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The First Anniversary of Qiuzhen College held on April 24

Time flies, and it has already been a year since the establishment of Qiuzhen College.

In conjunction with Tsinghua University’s 111th anniversary, the first-anniversary celebration of Qiuzhen College was held at the Meng Minwei Concert Hall. Featuring the theme of “Time·Growth”, the event combined academic lectures and artistic performances by faculties and students, showing the utmost beauty of mathematics through the perfect combination of science and art. Professor Gang Peng, Vice-President of Tsinghua University, and Mr. Shing-Tung Yau, Dean of Qiuzhen College, attended the event and delivered speeches.

Let’s take a look at this wonderful celebration!


Programme for the First Anniversary Celebration of Qiuzhen College

Professor Peng firstly expressed his sincere congratulations on the first anniversary of the establishment of Qiuzhen College. He said the students are living in a time of great national and social demand for basic sciences. With the opportunity to interact with world-class masters, outstanding scholars and peers, and cutting-edge challenges, students at Qiuzhen College are well equipped to thrive. In the year since the establishment of the College, Mr. Yau has devoted himself to the development of the students and he is delighted with their growth and progress. Professor Peng expressed his hope that the students of Qiuzhen College would grow up to be world-class mathematicians and write a brilliant chapter on the development of the College under Mr. Yau’s leadership.


Professor Gang Peng is delivering a speech

At the celebration, the students didn’t forget to exchange their academic ideas with others. Three students, Jianqiao Shang, Fulin Xu, and Jinyi Wang, gave keynote talks entitled The Turing Completeness of ‘Trival!’,  Combinatorial Game Theory and What is Curvature?, showing some interesting problems they had thought about and reflecting the inquiring nature of students in Qiuzhen College.

The teachers and students gathered together for the College’s first anniversary, just like a big, warm family. They also presented some wonderful performances, starting with a duet, Bach’s Mathematical Beauty by three students, including Liujin Dan,  Qifei Peng and Zesen Li. While showing the beauty of art, the students also led everyone to appreciate the wonders of mathematics from different perspectives.


Liujin Dan,  Qifei Peng and Zesen Li Bach’s Mathematical Beauty

Jinyi Wang performed the piano solo “Happy Fly” with a relaxed and cheerful melody as everyone clapped their hands happily to the beat.


Jinyi Wang Happy Fly

Professor Yitwah Cheung from Yau Mathematical Sciences Center also joined the celebration and sang the song Boundless Oceans, Vast Skies, which drew applause from the students. Qiuzhen College is committed to building a platform for the all-around growth of our students so that every one of you can soar in the wide world of mathematics.


Professor Yitwah Cheung Boundless Oceans, Vast Skies

Mrs. Tarn Birkar, the wife of Professor Caucher Birkar of Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, prepared a piano performance of Shanghai Bund. The beautiful sounds of the piano and the heartfelt vocals took the audience to appreciate the classic charm of the old song.


Tarn Birkar Shanghai Bund

Xiaoyi Ji’s solo piano performance of Clannad Family combined the rhythm of classical piano with the vitality of Japanese animation and attracted the attention of the teachers and students present.


Xiaoyi Ji Clannad Family

Professor Peng Shan from Yau Mathematical Sciences Center played the piano solo Debussy: Arabesque No.1. She hopes that everyone will feel the uniqueness of this piece and take their own unique path on their academic journey.


Professor Peng Shan  Debussy: Arabesque No.1

Zesen Li presented Violin Sonata No.1 in G minor, BWV1001 to the students and teachers of Qiuzhen College, and the performance came to a perfect end.


Zesen Li  Violin Sonata No.1 in G minor, BWV1001

After the celebration, Dean Yau delivered his speech. He was delighted to have the opportunity to enjoy the performances of the students, which fully exemplified the perfect combination of art and academia. He also expressed his gratitude to the teachers for their active participation in Qiuzhen College’s anniversary celebration, Professor Caucher Birkar in particular. Professor Caucher Birkar is a Fields Medal winner, who not only taught our students with great dedication but also actively participated in the celebration with his wife.

In the year since the establishment of Qiuzhen College, it has been a great delight for Dean Yau to see how committed the teachers and students are. For him, the most important thing now is to cultivate the students of Qiuzhen College into world-class mathematicians. Mr. Yau cited the example of Boya learning Guqin to teach the students that they should be emotionally devoted to their studies. Students of Qiuzhen College must cultivate not only the affection for doing scholarship but also the ability to do it, so that they can make great achievements. Finally, he hoped that the students of the College would thrive under the guidance of world-class scholars and in the company of like-minded peers, and that they would walk their own paths and embrace their broad and bright future.


Mr Shing-Tung Yau is delivering a speech

Mr Yau’s speech inspired the students in the audience, and with the accompaniment slowly playing, the students sang Qiuzhen College Song in chorus, feeling the expectations of the country for them and the mission they shoulder in this era, as well as extending their best wishes to Qiuzhen College on its first anniversary. May we move forward together towards our dreams!


Qiuzhen students singing Qiuzhen College Song in chorus


Group photo of Qiuzhen students and teachers

It is worth mentioning that on the occasion of the first anniversary of Qiuzhen College, Dean Shing-Tung Yau was appointed as the Chair Professor of Tsinghua University, and he is now working full time on the training of talents in Qiuzhen College. Professor Yuming Wang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering; Professor Zhongzhen Wang, Dean of Rixin College; Professor Junfeng Li, Dean of Xingjian College; Ms Ying Liao, Director of Center for Global Competence Development; Professor Caucher Birkar and Professor Nicolai Reshetikhin of Yau Mathematical Sciences Center, and many other teachers who care about and support the development of Qiuzhen College, attended the event and offered their congregations to Dean Shing-Tung Yau. The Vice Dean of the College, head teachers, teachers, scholars and students gathered together to celebrate the College’s first anniversary.

“Seek the joy of heaven and earth, and broaden the hearts to all ages”

May the future be brighter and better for Qiuzhen College!

Happy first anniversary to Qiuzhen College!

DATEApril 24, 2022
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