
Bandit Algorithms Seminar

Time:Saturday 10:00-11:30am (Beijing Time). From Oct. 8th to Dec. 24th(expected)

Venue:宁斋S11;Online Tencent:526-9489-3768


Tencent Meeting Link: (2022/10/08-2022/12/24 09:45-11:45, Every Week)

Presenter: 董婧(SDS@CUHK(SZ) Phd Student), 杜伊涵(IIIS@THU Phd Student) ,江昊哲(IIIS@THU Junior Student),李家淳(Math@THU Senior Student),吕甲梦(Math@THU Phd Student) , 宋沛聪(Math@THU Senior Student),温凯越(IIIS@THU Junior Student),邬靖宇(CS@USTC Senior Student),熊诺亚(IIIS@THU Junior Student),徐嘉纬(Math@THU Senior Student),叶晨璐(AI@HKUST Phd Student),周秉坤(Math@THU Senior Student)


[L].Lattimore, Tor, and Csaba Szepesvári. Bandit algorithms. Cambridge University Press, 2020. (

[S]. Slivkins, Aleksandrs. "Introduction to multi-armed bandits." Foundations and Trends® in Machine Learning 12.1-2 (2019): 1-286.(

[K].Kevin Jamieson. CSE 599, Winter 2018 Online and Adaptive Methods for Machine Learning. Lecture Note (

DATESeptember 22, 2022
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