
B-Divisors and Dynamical Degrees

Time:Tues., 15:00 - 17:00, Oct. 11, 2022

Venue:Zoom Meeting ID: 897 9522 8294 Passcode: 1.17628

Organizer:Yu-Wei Fan , Hsueh-Yung Lin

Speaker: Speaker / 主讲人 Charles Favre (École Polytechnique)


Joint work with Nguyen Bac Dang. We develop an intersection theory for b-divisors and used it to get informations on the degree growth of iterates of rational maps.

More information about the seminar can be found at:


Charles Favre is a French mathematician. He conducts research and teaches at the Laurent-Schwartz Mathematics Centre at École Polytechnique. In 2009, he was awarded Langevin Prize of the Academy of Sciences “for his work on analytical geometry, holomorphic dynamics and ultrametric analysis. In particular, he introduced entirely new methods of potential theory for the study of valuations and singularities, and these had profound implications in algebraic geometry and in the theory of dynamical systems.”

Web page:

DATEOctober 10, 2022
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