AbstractGeometric engineering provides a rich class of 5D supersymmetric gauge theories with eight supercharges, arising from M-theory compactification on non-compact Calabi-Yau threefolds. The counting of BPS states in the low-energy gauge theory is determined by the degeneracies of M2-branes wrapping holomorphic two-cycles in the Calabi-Yau threefold X. These degeneracies can also be calculat...
Abstract A cluster modular group is a symmetry group of the theory of cluster algebras. An element is called a ''mutation loop''. I and T. Ishibashi introduced the notion of sign stability of the mutation loops as a generalization of the pseudo-Anosovness of the mapping classes. In this talk, I will define the autoequivalences of the derived category of the Ginzburg dg algebra of a quiver with ...