
Torsion theorem of the zero of a certain Kodaira-Spencer morphism over P^1 removing four points

Time:Mon. 10-11 am, Feb. 27, 2023

Venue:Jin Chun Yuan West Building, No. 1 conference room (近春园西楼第一会议室)Zoom Meeting ID: 455 260 1552 Passcode: YMSC

Speaker:Mao Sheng 盛茂 YMSC & BIMSA


In this talk, I shall explain a torsion theorem to the effect that the unique zero of the Kodaira-Spencer map attached to a certain quasi-semistable family of complex projective varieties over the complex projective line is the image of a torsion point of an elliptic curve under the natural projection. The proof is a mod $p$ argument and requires a density one set of primes. Three are three essential ingredients in the proof: a solution to the conjecture of Sun-Yang-Zuo, Pink's theorem, and the Higgs periodicity theorem. This is a joint work with Xiaojin Lin and Jianping Wang.

About Speaker

盛茂,2006年毕业于香港中文大学并获博士学位。曾在华东师范大学、德国美因茨大学从事博士后研究工作,2012年起任中国科学技术大学数学科学学院教授,2019年起任中国科学技术大学数学系系主任。研究方向为基础数学中的代数几何,具体研究领域为Hodge理论及其在代数簇几何与算术中的应用。他的主要学术贡献包括:与合作者一同否定了由菲尔兹奖得主Borcherds提出的关于一系列卡拉比-丘流形模空间的Dolgachev猜想、否定了Illusie关于半稳定约化de Rham分解的公开问题等。近年来最为突出的成果是与左康教授一同建立并发展了Higgs-de Rham流理论。

DATEFebruary 27, 2023
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