
Real projective structures on Riemann surfaces and hyper-Kähler metrics

Time:Tuesday 13:30 March 21, 2023

Venue:Conference Room 3 Jinchunyuan West Building Zoom meeting ID: 405 416 0815 pw: 111111


Speaker:Sebastian Heller BIMSA


The non-abelian Hodge theory identifies moduli spaces of representations with moduli spaces of Higgs bundles through solutions to Hitchin's selfduality equations. On the one hand, this enables one to relate geometric structures on surfaces with algebraic geometry, and on the other hand, one obtains interesting hyper-Kähler metrics on the solution spaces. In my talk, I will explain how to construct new hyper-Kähler metrics from certain singular solutions to Hitchin's self-duality equations. The main ingredients are graftings of projective structures, twistor spaces, and Deligne's notion of λ-connections.


Research Interest

☑Harmonic maps, minimal and CMC surfaces

☑Geometric and analytic aspects of moduli spaces

☑Higgs bundles and Hitchin systems

☑Integrable systems

Personal Homepage

DATEMarch 21, 2023
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