
Mean-field interacting particle systems and McKean-Vlasov equation

Time:Wed., 14:00-15:00 Mar. 29, 2023

Venue:Ning Zhai W11


Speaker:吴黎明 哈尔滨工业大学


McKean-Vlasov quation describes heat diffusion in porous media and is the limit of propagation of chaos of system of interacting particle systems of mean field with a great number N of particles, known in 80s. Carrillo-McCann-Villani(03) renewed the subject by regarding MV equation as the gradient flow of the entropy functional on the space of probability measures w.r.t. the Otto- Villani's differential calculus, and proved the strict convexity of the entropy and so the entropical exponential convergence of MV equation by assuming the convexity of the confinement potential and the interacting potential. Their convexity assumption excludes the non-convex models which may have phase transition at low temperature, such as Curie-Weiss.

In this talk I will present some recent generalizations covering the non-convex cases on this subject, by using the tools such as Poincare inequality, log-Sobolev inequality, gradient estimate for interacting particle system. This talk is based on a series of joint works with A.Guillin, W. Liu, C. Zhang.



DATEMarch 29, 2023
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