
An improved fractal Weyl upper bound in obstacle scattering

Time:Fri., 8:00-9:00 pm, Apr. 14, 2023

Venue:Zoom ID: 618-038-6257, PW: SCMS

Organizer:Chen Xi(Fudan), Long Jin(Tsinghua)

Speaker:Lucas Vacossin Laboratoire de Mathematiques d'Orsay (Universite Paris-Saclay)


In this talk, we will be interested in the problem of scattering by strictly convex obstacles in 2D and we will give estimates for the number of resonances in regions $\{ \re \lambda \in [r, r+1], \im \lambda \geq - \gamma \}$ in the limit $r \to + \infty$. It is now well known in open quantum chaos that the dimension of the trapped set appears when counting resonances in such boxes : the number of resonances is $O(r^\delta)$ where \delta is related with the dimension of the trapped set. This result is often called a Fractal Weyl upper bound. Nevertheless, it is expected that this bound is not optimal when $\gamma$ is below some threshold and Improved Fractal Weyl upper bounds have emerged in different contexts of open quantum chaos (convex co-compact hyperbolic surfaces, open baker's maps). In this presentation, we will explain a version of such a result in obsctacle scattering. We will explain the main ideas of the proof, which relies on a subtle interaction between the propagation of coherent states and the use of escape functions.

About the speaker 

I am currently a PHD Student under the supervision of Stéphane Nonnenmacher at Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Orsay (Université Paris-Saclay), in the team AN-EDP. I am also AGPR at l'Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris).

I am intereted in the study of resonances in open hyperbolic systems. In particular, I study the problem of scattering by obstacles, where I am interested in the distribution of the resonances of the Laplace operator outside the obstacles, which is known to have consequences on the wave equation outside the obstacles.


DATEApril 14, 2023
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