
Some Developments on Filtration Methods in Diophantine Geometry and Nevanlinna Theory

Time:Tues.,15:00-17:00, Apr.18, 2023

Venue:Zoom ID: 897 9522 8294; PW: 1.17628

Organizer:Yu-Wei Fan (YMSC), Hsueh-Yung Lin (Taiwan University, NCTS)

Speaker:Julie Tzu-Yueh Wang Academia Sinica


In 1994 Faltings and W\"ustholz introduced a new geometric method in the study of Diophantine approximation, called the filtration method, which involved working with ``many" sections of a line bundle and producing many linear combinations of them vanishing along appropriate divisors. This was further developed by Evertse and Ferretti. Independently, Corvaja and Zannier also worked with filtrations of the same kind, which was further refined and developed by Levin and Autissier, etc. Recently, Ru and Vojta formulated a general version of the celebrated Schmidt's Subspace Theorem that unifying many known results with filtration methods. We will introduce these developments and mention some applications of Ru-Vojta's theorem in the study of integral points and gcd theorem. We will also mention some corresponding results in Nevanlinna theory. This talk includes joint works with Erwan Rousseau and Amos Turchet and a joint work with Ji Guo and one with Yu Yasufuku.

About the speaker

Dr. Wang is interested in Diophantine problems and its analogy with Nevanlinna theory via Vojta's dictionary. Her research mainly are in the directions of Diophantine approximation over function fields, unique rage sets and uniqueness polynomials problems, value distribution problems in non-Archimedean fields, Büchi's problem, etc.


DATEApril 18, 2023
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