
Mazur's principle for GU(1,2)

Time:Mon., 10:00-11:00am, Apr. 24, 2023

Venue:Jin Chun Yuan West Building, 3rd floor Lecture Hall (近春园西楼三楼报告厅) Zoom ID: 4552601552 ;PW: YMSC

Organizer:Hansheng Diao, Yueke Hu Emmanuel Lecouturier, Cezar Lupu

Speaker:Hao Fu 傅豪 Université de Strasbourg

This is a research seminar on topics related to number theory and its applications which broadly can include related areas of interests such as analytic and algebraic number theory, algebra, combinatorics, algebraic and arithmetic geometry, cryptography, representation theory etc. The speakers are also encouraged to make their talk more accessible for graduate level students.

For more information, please refer to:


Mazur's principle gives a criterion under which an irreducible mod l Galois representation arising from a modular form of level Np (with p prime to N) can also arise from a modular form of level N. We prove an analogous result showing that a mod l Galois representation arising from a stable cuspidal automorphic representation of the unitary similitude group G=GU(1,2) which is Steinberg at an inert prime p can also arise from an automorphic representation of G that is unramified at p.

About the speaker 



DATEApril 24, 2023
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