
Bethe ansatz inside Calogero--Sutherland models

Time:2023-05-12 Fri 17:00-18:30

Venue:ZOOM: 815 4690 4797(PW: BIMSA)

Organizer:Nicolai Reshetikhin, Andrey Tsiganov, Ivan Sechin

Speaker: Jules Lamers Institut de Physique Théorique


The Haldane--Shastry spin chain has long-range interactions and remarkable properties including Yangian symmetry at finite length and explicit highest-weight wave functions featuring Jack polynomials. This stems from the trigonometric spin-Calogero--Sutherland model, which is intimately related to affine Hecke algebras, already enjoys these properties from affine Schur–Weyl duality and reduces to the Haldane--Shastry chain in the ‘freezing’ limit. I will present some new results for these models, including Heisenberg-like symmetries whose spectrum can be characterised by Bethe ansatz. Based on recent work with D. Serban and ongoing work with G. Ferrando, F. Levkovich-Maslyuk and D. Serban.

DATEMay 12, 2023
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