Abstract Fourier series is a very powerful tool in nature. In this talk we will introduce different types of Fourier basis, such as orthogonal basis, Riesz basis, frames, etc., and discuss about their existence on Euclidean subsets.About the speaker 刘博辰,南方科技大学数学系副教授。2017年博士毕业于美国罗切斯特大学。曾在台湾大学理论科学研究中心数学部、香港中文大学数学系、以色列巴伊兰大学数学系...
Abstract:Sabbah and Yu computed the irregular Hodge numbers associated with hypergeometric connections. In this talk, we introduce a new approach for hypergeometric connections whose defining parameters are rational numbers. Our method relies on a geometric interpretation of hypergeometric connections, which enables us to describe the irregular Hodge filtrations explicitly and derive several ar...