
A Neural Networks Solver for R Matrices

Time:2023-05-29 Mon 10:00-12:00

Venue:Venue: A3-2a-201 ZOOM:819 4969 3781(PW: BIMSA)

Organizer:Hongfei Shu, Hao Zou, Ruidong Zhu

Speaker:Shailesh Lal BIMSA


we describe how neural networks may be used to learn solutions to the Yang-Baxter Equation using 2d spin chains of difference form as a concrete example. the talk is based on arxiv:2304.07247, which is joint work with Suvajit Majumder and Evgeny Skvortsov.

Speaker Intro

Dr Shailesh Lal received his PhD from the Harish-Chandra Research Institute. His research interests are applications of machine learning to string theory and mathematical physics, black holes in string theory and higher-spin holography.

DATEMay 29, 2023
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