
Extreme gap problems for random matrices

Time:5月31日星期三 14:00-15:00



Speaker:姚东 江苏师范大学


In the talk, I will give a brief review of known results on the extreme gap problems (smallest and largest gaps of the eigenvalues) of various random matrix ensembles. Then I will present our recent work about the smallest gap of the Gaussian symplectic ensemble. This completes the picture of the small gap problem of classical Gaussian β ensembles for β=1, 2, 4. Our analysis can potentially be applied to other classical ensembles with a Pfaffian structure.


姚东,江苏师范大学数学研究院副教授。2021年9月博士毕业于美国杜克大学,师从Rick Durrett教授;2017年7月本科毕业于中国科学技术大学数学与应用数学专业。

DATEMay 31, 2023
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