
On a Theorem of Furstenberg

Time:Fri., 10:30-11:30am, Jun.9, 2023

Venue:Zoom ID: 405 416 0815, PW: 111111;Jinchunyuan West Building, Conference Room 3 (middle floor)


Speaker:Kasra RAFI University of Toronto


A theorem of Furstenberg from 1967 states that if Gamma is a lattice in a semisimple Lie group G, then there exists a measure on Gamma with finite first moment such that the corresponding harmonic measure on the Furstenberg boundary is absolutely continuous. We will discuss generalizations of this theorem in the setting of the Mapping class group and Gromov hyperbolic groups.

About the speaker 

Kasra RAFI

University of Toronto

多伦多大学数学系教授,从事几何拓扑的研究,研究兴趣集中在曲面映射类群以及 Teichmuller 空间的几何等等问题上。在 Inventiones Mathematicae 上发表论文2篇,在 Duke Math. J.、Geom. and Func. Analysis、Geometry and Topology、J. Diff. Geom. 等期刊上发表论文20余篇。

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