
Geometric analysis of asymptotically hyperbolic Poincaré-Einstein manifolds

Time:2023-06-07 Wed 15:20-16:20


Organizer:Kotaro Kawai, Sebastian Heller, Lynn Heller, Chao Qian

Speaker:Ruobing Zhang Princeton University


In this talk we will discuss several existence, compactness, and uniqueness results for Poincaré-Einstein manifolds. We will also exhibit several non-uniqueness examples of Poincaré-Einstein fillings.

Please note that this talk will be given only in-person at 北京理工大学中关村校区研究生教学楼208. Since the entry application is needed, please contact Prof. Kotaro Kawai ( by 15:00 June 5th if you wish to attend.

DATEJune 7, 2023
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