
Form factor bootstrap and TTbar-deformed EE for IQFT | Joint HEP-TH Seminar

Time:2023-06-29 Thu 15:00-17:00

Venue:Venue: A3-4-312 ZOOM: 530 830 4625(PW: BIMSA)

Organizer:Hongfei Shu, Hao Zou, Ruidong Zhu

Speaker: (何淼) Miao He SEUYC


In IQFT, a standard approach to compute correlation functions is the form factor bootstrap. The form factors satisfy some axioms, which can help us solve the form factors. Recently, this approach was used in TTbar-deformed IQFT by considering the CDD factor deformation. Through the well-known “replica-trick”, we solve the form factor bootstrap axioms for the branch-point twist fields and obtain the deformed twist fields form factors. Using these deformed form factors, we compute the deformed entanglement entropy in TTbar deformed IQFT up to two particle contributions. We find that the UV behavior of the entanglement entropy is changed drastically.

DATEJune 29, 2023
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