AbstractWe consider the standard L-function attached to a cuspidal automorphic representation of a general linear group. We present a proof of a subconvex bound in the t-aspect. More generally, we address the spectral aspect in the case of uniform parameter growth. These results are the subject of the third paper linked below, building on the first two.SpeakerPaul Nelson works in Analytic Numbe...
Abstract:I will discuss some new bounds on the spectra of Laplacian operators on hyperbolic 3-manifolds. One example of such a bound is that the spectral gap of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on a closed orientable hyperbolic 3-manifold must be less than 47.32, or less than 31.57 if the first Betti number is positive. The bounds are derived using two approaches, both of which employ linear prog...