BIMSA-YMSC Number Theory Lunch SeminarOrganizers:Yong Suk Moon, Koji ShimizuSpeaker:Nanjun YangTime:Thur., 12:00-13:00, Dec. 12, 2024Venue:BIMSA A4-1Title:Witt group of nondyadic curvesAbstract:The Witt group of an algebraic variety is the Grothendieck group of vector bundles with non-dengenerate symmetric inner products modulo those with Langrangians. For a field it classifies quadratic f...
AbstractIn this talk we introduce a hybrid quantum group at root of unity. We consider its category O and discuss some basic properties including linkage principle and BGG reciprocity. Then we show that there is an isomorphism between the center of a block (of arbitrary singular type) of the category O with the cohomology ring of the partial affine flag variety (of the corresponding parahoric t...