
Game Theory Seminar | Foundational and Philosophical Aspects of Game Theory and Evolution

Time:2023-10-11, Wednesday, 14:00-15:45

Venue:Lecture Hall B725 Shuangqing Complex Building;Zoom: 951 7537 9655 Passcode:666666

Organizer:邬荣领(BIMSA),张蓥莹 (YMSC)

Speaker:Shuoli Liu (Qiuzhen College)


This introductory seminar will explore the foundational and philosophical aspects of game theory and evolution.

In particular, we will examine how an evolutionary game theorist would treat the randomness of data and observations, and how it compares with the classic model by frequentists. For example, we will talk about the game theorists' approach to the randomness of choice data, height data, and presence of suboptimal phenotypes.

Finally, we will discuss how the foundational axioms used by game theorists differ from those in frequentist statistics by introducing the influential works of von Neumann and Morgenstern, the fathers of game theory.

DATEOctober 11, 2023
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