
BIMSA-YMSC Number Theory Lunch Seminar | The twin prime conjecture and Zhang's work on it

Time:2023-10-11, Wednesday, 12:00-13:00

Venue:BIMSA A4-1

Organizer:Yong Suk Moon, Koji Shimizu

Speaker:Dongsheng Wu

This is an in-person seminar at BIMSA over lunch, aimed to promote communications in the Number Theory teams at BIMSA and YMSC. Each talk is 45 minutes long and does not focus on research results. Instead, we encourage each speaker to discuss either (1) a basic notion in Number Theory or related fields or (2) applications or computational aspects of Number Theory. People interested in Number Theory are welcome to attend.


I will discuss briefly the history of the twin prime conjecture. In particular, I will explain the celebrated work of Zhang Yitang in attacking this problem.

DATEOctober 11, 2023
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