
Moduli Spaces and Related Topics | Graded character sheaves,HOMFLY-PT homology,and Hilbert schemes of points on C^2

Time:2023-10-11, Wednesday, 10:00 am

Venue:Shuangqing Complex Building, C654

Organizer:Xiang He, Chenglong Yu, Dingxin Zhang, Jie Zhou

Speaker:Penghui Li (YMSC)


Using a geometric argument building on our new theory of graded sheaves, we compute the categorical trace and Drinfel'd center of the (graded) finite Hecke category H_W in terms of the category of (graded) unipotent character sheaves, upgrading results of Ben-Zvi-Nadler and Bezrukavninov-Finkelberg-Ostrik.

In type A, we relate the categorical trace to the category of 2-periodic coherent sheaves on the Hilbert schemes of points on C^2 (equivariant with respect to the natural C*×C* action), yielding a proof of a conjecture of Gorsky-Negut-Rasmussen which relates HOMFLY-PT link homology and the spaces of global sections of certain coherent sheaves on Hilbert schemes.

As an important computational input, we also establish a conjecture of Gorsky-Hogancamp-Wedrich on the formality of the Hochschild homology of H_W. This is a joint work with Quoc P. Ho.

DATEOctober 11, 2023
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