
p-adic Geometry Learning Seminar

Time:Monday 2:30 - 4:00 pm Oct. 9 - Dec. 18, 2023

Venue:中国科学院晨兴数学中心 MCM 110

Organizer:Zicheng Qian (MCM), Koji Shimizu (YMSC)

The main goal of this semester is to learn topics related to Drinfeld half-spaces: basic properties, the Drinfeld theorem, and the Čerednik–Drinfeld uniformization theorem for Drinfeld half-plane [BC91]; the cohomology of the Drinfeld half-spaces [SS91, Dat06].

[BC91] Boutot and Carayol, Uniformisation p-adique des courbes de Shimura: les théorèmes de Čerednik et de Drinfeld

[SS91] Schneider and Stuhler, The cohomology of p-adic symmetric spaces

[Dat06] Dat, Espaces symétriques de Drinfeld et correspondance de Langlands locale

Upcoming talks

Oct. 9

Title: Special formal OD-modules over an algebraically closed field

Speaker: Jiahong Yu (PKU)

Oct. 16

Title: Drinfeld’s theorem: statement and construction

Speaker: Tian Qiu (PKU)

Oct. 23

Title: Drinfeld’s theorem: proof

Speaker: Yupeng Wang (PKU)

Oct. 30

Title: The Čerednik–Drinfeld uniformization theorem

Speaker: Yihang Zhu (YMSC)

Nov. 6

Title: Drinfeld half-spaces

Speaker: Yi Zhu (Tsinghua)

Nov. 13

Title: Cohomology of Drinfeld half-space and the Tits building

Speaker: TBA

Nov. 20

Title: Explicit expressions for the cohomology of Drinfeld half-space

Speaker: Yongquan Hu (MCM)

Nov. 27

Title: Cohomology of quotient varieties

Speaker: Yong Suk Moon (BIMSA)

Dec. 4

Title: Extensions of principal series representations

Speaker: Zicheng Qian (MCM)

Dec. 11

Title: Cohomology with compact support of Drinfeld half-space

Speaker: Zhefan Duan (Tsinghua)

Dec. 18

Title: Cohomology complex and Galois representations

Speaker: TBA

DATEOctober 9, 2023
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