
Wrapped Floer theory for Lagrangian fillings

Time:Tues., 16:00-17:00, Nov.7, 2023

Venue: Zoom ID: 405 416 0815; PW: 111111;C654, Shuangqing Complex Building A

Organizer:陈伟彦、高鸿灏、黄意、江怡 、林剑锋

Speaker:Yu PAN 潘宇 Tianjin University 天津大学


Lagrangian fillings are key objects in symplectic geometry. Wrapped Floer theory can be used to show some rigidity property of embedded Lagrangian fillings. We extend the wrapped Floer theory to immersed Lagrangian fillings and obtain lower bounds of double points of immersed Lagrangian disk fillings.

DATENovember 7, 2023
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