
Topology of real algebraic curves

Time:Fri., 15:30-16:30, Nov 3, 2023

Venue:Zoom ID: 455 260 1552; PW: YMSC ; Tsinghua West Stepping Classroom 清华西阶梯教室

Organizer:Caucher Birkar,曲三太, 陈炳仪

Speaker:Ilia Itenberg (Institut de mathématiques de Jussieu - Paris Rive Gauche)


The talk can be seen as introduction to topology of real algebraic varieties. We will pay a particular attention to real algebraic curves in the projective plane and real algebraic surfaces in three-dimensional projective space, and we will speak about various classifications (topological, isotopy, and deformation) of these varieties. We will mention several recent results in the area (such as, for example, an equisingular deformation classification of real plane projective sextic curves without real points; joint work with A. Degtyarev), as well as open problems.

Ilia Itenberg

Institut de mathématiques de Jussieu

Paris Rive Gauche

Personal Homepage:

DATENovember 3, 2023
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