Abstract:To prove that zeta(3) is irrational, Apéry realized this number as the limit of the ratio of two solutions of a linear recurrence with polynomial coefficients. Similar recurrences and their "Apéry limits" have been studied in mirror symmetry. In this talk, I will sketch a method to realize Feynman integrals as Apéry limits, using a combinatorial graph invariant from arXiv:2304.05299. ...
AbstractA classical theorem due to Birkhoff states that on a real or a complex symplectic manifold a function near its Morse critical point can be transformed by formal symplectomorphism into a power series in the pairwise sums of squares of the local coordinates, called its "Birkhoff normal form". A result of Sjöstrand says that, given certain conditions, one can compute the eigenvalues of the...