
Supercuspidal representations of GLn(F) distinguished by an orthogonal subgroup

Time:2023-12-04 Mon 10:00-11:00

Venue:YMSC-C654 ZOOM:271 534 5558(PW: YMSC)

Organizer:Hansheng Diao, Yueke Hu, Emmanuel Lecouturier, Cezar Lupu

Speaker:Jiandi Zou Technion


Let F be a non-archimedean locally compact field of residue characteristic p \neq 2, let G = GLn(F) and let H be an orthogonal subgroup of G. For π a complex smooth supercuspidal representation of G, we give a full characterization for the distinguished space Hom_H(π, 1) being non-zero and we further study its dimension as a complex vector space, which generalizes a similar result of Hakim for tame supercuspidal representations. As a corollary, the embeddings of π in the space of smooth functions on the set of symmetric matrices in G, as a complex vector space, is non-zero and of dimension four, if and only if the central character of π evaluating at −1 is 1.

DATEDecember 4, 2023
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