
Applications of o-minimality to Hodge theory III | Algebraic and Complex Geometry Seminar

Time:2024-01-16 Tue 15:00-16:30

Venue:A3-1-301 ZOOM: 293 812 9202(PW: BIMSA)

Organizer:Dali Shen

Speaker:Jiaming Chen Goethe University Frankfurt


The goal of this minicourse is to introduce the recent advances in Hodge theory via o-minimal techniques. We will start by revisiting the basics on o-minimal geometry with a view towards algebraization theorems (Pila-Wilkie counting theorem; o-minimal Chow and GAGA theorems in definable complex analytic geometry). In the realm of Hodge theory, we will explore several applications: (i) the definability of period maps (which enables us to easily recover a theorem of Cattani-Deligne-Kaplan on the algebraicity of Hodge loci) and the algebraicity of images of period maps (Griffiths conjecture); (ii) Ax-Schanuel for variations of Hodge structures; (iii) distribution of Hodge loci.

DATEJanuary 16, 2024
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