
Wall-crossing in abelian gauged linear sigma models | BIMSA AG Seminar

Time:2024-03-21 Thu 15:00:00-16:00:00

Venue:A6-1 ZOOM: 638 227 8222 BIMSA

Organizer:Artan Sheshmani, Nanjun Yang, Beihui Yuan

Speaker:Melissa Liu Columbia University


The input data of a gauged linear sigma model (GLSM) consist of a GlT quotient of a complexvector space V by the linear action of a reductive algebraic group G (the gauge group) and a Ginvariant polynomial function on V (the superpotential) which is quasi-homogeneous with respect toa C^*-action (R symmetries) on V. GLSM invariants are virtual counts of curves in the critical locusof the superpotential. In this talk, l will describe GlT wall-crossing of genus-zero cohomological andK-theoretic GLSM invariants when the gauge group G is abelian, based on joint work withKonstantin Aleshkin.

DATEMarch 21, 2024
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