ADS SeminarOrganizer:数学物理团队Speaker:Yunfeng JiangSoutheastern UniversityTime:Thur., 13:30, Dec. 5, 2024Venue:Qiuzhen Hall, NingzhaiTitle:Resurgence of TTbar-deformed Partition FunctionAbstract:In this talk, I will discuss the torus partition function of TTbar-deformed conformal field theories. I will first review TTbar-deformation with an emphasis on the modular property of the deform...
AbstractFor any abelian variety X with an action of a finite complex reflection group W, Etingof, Felder,Ma and Veselov constructed a family of integrable systems on T*X. When X is a product of ncopies of an eliptic curve E and W=Sn, this reproduces the usual elliptic Calogero-Mosersystem. Recently, together with Philip Argyres (Cincinnati) and Yongchao L (KIAS), we proposedthat many of these i...