
W-representation for multi-character partition function | ​BIMSA Integrable Systems Seminar

Time:2024-04-02 Tue 16:00-17:00

Venue:A6-1 ZOOM:873 9209 0711 BIMSA

Organizer:Nicolai Reshetikhin, Andrey Tsiganov, lvan Sechin

Speaker:Luyao WangSchool of Mathematical Sciences, Capital Normal University


We discuss several results on work in collaboration (with V.Mishnyakov, A.Popolitov, F.Liu,R.Wang and with B. Kang, K.Wu, W.Z. Zhao). We construct W-representations for multi-characterexpansions, which involve a generic number of sets of time variables. We propose integralrepresentations for such kind of partition functions which are given by tensor models and multi-matrix models with multi-trace couplings. In addition, we present the W-representation for a two-tensor model with order-3. We derive the compact expressions of correlators from the W.representation, and analyze the free energy in the large N limit. By establishing the correspondencebetween the two-color Dyck order in Fredkin spin chain and the tree operator on the ring, we provethat the entanglement scaling of Fredkin spin chain beyond the logarithmic scaling in ordinarycritical systems.

DATEApril 1, 2024
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