Tsinghua-BIMSA symplectic geometry seminarOrganizers:Kenji Fukaya (YMSC), Honghao Gao (YMSC), Hang Yuan (BIMSA)Speaker:Ben Zhou (Tsinghua)Time:Wed., 14:00-15:00Oct. 16, 2024Venue:C548, Shuangqing Complex BuildingTitle:Higher genus Gromov-Witten correspondences for log Calabi-Yau surfacesAbstract:Strominger, Yau, and Zaslow (SYZ) phrased mirror symmetry as a duality between special Lagrang...
AbstractBased on spacetime emergence from quantum entanglement, a new complex-valued quantum information measure will be introduced. This quantity will be defined through either the Wick rotation of space to timelike subregions or through the Wick rotation of the coordinates. We argue that this quantity is an example of pseudo-entanglement entropy. For holographic states, we define the timelike...