AbstractI will explain mirror symmetry for Fano varieties, and an approach to the classification of Fano varieties based on mirror symmetry.SpeakerProfessor Alessio Corti holds a Chair in Pure Mathematics at Imperial College London. His main areas of interest lie in algebraic geometry, particularly higher dimesional birational geometry, minimal model theory, Fano varieties.Professor Alessio Cor...
AbstractLet X be a projective manifold. The Hitchin morphism is a map from the moduli stack of Higgsbundles over X to the Hitchin base, which sends a Higgs bundle to its characteristic polynomial. lfX is a curve, it is well-known that the Hitchin morphism is surjective and it plays an important rolein the study of the moduli space of Higgs bundles. However, if X has dimension at least two, theH...