
YMSC Probability Seminar | Speed of Random Walks in Dirichlet Environment on a Galton-Watson Tree

Time:Thursday, 16:00-17:00 April 18, 2024

Venue:C548 Shuangqing Complex Building 双清综合楼C548


Speaker:Xiao Yang 肖阳,Qian Dongjian 钱东箭 (复旦大学)


This paper mainly deals with a transient random walk in Dirichlet Environment, or equivalently a linearly edge reinforced random walk, on a Galton-Watson tree. We compute stationary distributions of the environment seen from the particle in both quenched and annealed cases. With these stationary measures, we provide the almost necessary and sufficient criteria for positive speed and give a formula for speed when it is positive.

DATEApril 17, 2024
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