AbstractIn this talk we consider the stochastic homogenization of elliptic non-divergence form equations on the integer lattice and the corresponding model of random walks in random environment (RWRE) which is a martingale. We will derive the optimal rates of the homogenization for the Dirichlet problem. We will also discuss the correlation structure of the invariant measure and quantitative es...
peaker杨尚杰Bar-Ilan UniversityI am a postdoctoral fellow hosted by Prof. Gidi Amir in the mathematics department of Bar-Ilan University .Before that, I was a postdoc hosted by Prof. Tertuliano Franco in UFBA, and a Ph.D student under the supervision of Prof. Hubert Lacoin at IMPA. Here are my CV and thesis: Mixing time for interface models and particle system . I am mainly interested in probab...