
Tight Hamilton cycles with high discrepancy | Research seminar in Discrete Mathematics

Time:2024-05-07 Tue 17:05-18:15

Venue:Zoom: 787 662 9899 BIMSA

Organizer: Benjamin Sudakov

Speaker:Stefan Glock University of Passau


In discrepancy theory, the basic question is whether a structure can be partitioned in a balancedway, or if there is always some discrepancy no matter how the partition is the context ofgraph theory, a well-studied question is whether for a given host graph, any 2-colouring of its edgesmust contain a specified subgraph "with high discrepancy", meaning that within this subgraph oneof the colour classes is significantly larger than the other. We initiate the study of such questions forhypergraphs. Our main result is a discrepancy version of the celebrated theorem of Ri"odlRuci'nski and Szemer'edi on tight Hamilton cycles in Dirac hypergraphs. Joint work with LiorGishboliner and Amedeo Sgueglia.

Speaker Intro

Stefan Glock is assistant professor at the University of Passau in Germany. Prior to that, hespent 3 years as a junior fellow at ETH Zrich, after completing his PhD at the University ofBirmingham.

DATEMay 6, 2024
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