
YMSC Topology Seminar | Pólya's Shire Theorem for Riemann Surfaces

Time:Monday, 16:00-17:00 May 6, 2024

Venue:C654 Shuangqing Complex Building Online: Zoom meeting ID: 405 416 0815 Pw: 111111


Speaker:Sangsan Warakkagun (BIMSA)


Pólya's classical Shire Theorem states that the zeros of the successive derivatives of a meromorphic function on the complex plane accumulate onto the edges of the Voronoi diagram determined by the loci of the poles of the function. We develop a generalization to describe the limit set of the zeros of the iterates of a meromorphic function on a compact Riemann surface under a linear differential operator defined by a meromorphic 1-form. Refining Pólya's local arguments, we show that the accumulation set is the union of the edges of a generalized Voronoi diagram defined by the meromorphic function and the singular flat metric induced by the 1-form. This is ongoing work in progress with Boris Shapiro and Guillaume Tahar.

DATEMay 5, 2024
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