
Seminar on QFT and Geometry | Twisted formalism of 3d supersymmetric theories - 1

Time:Friday, 3:00-5:00 pm April 26, 2024

Venue:Jingzhai 218

Organizer:Myungbo Shim, Nicolai Reshetikhin, Babak Haghighat

Speaker:Myungbo Shim YMSC, Tsinghua University


Recently, vertex operator algebras from 3d supersymmetric theories gained a lot of attention. One way to study them directly is using twisted formalism and compute OPE. We are going to review [2204.02997] (with relevant references) from scratch to utilize this technique to research holomorphically or topologically twisted SQFTs in 3d.

DATEApril 25, 2024
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