
BIMSA-YMSC Tsinghua Number Theory Seminar | The Manin-Drinfeld problem for shtukas

Time:Monday, 10:00-11:00 am June 3, 2024

Venue:B627, Shuangqing Complex Building A 清华大学双清综合楼A座 B627报告厅

Organizer:Hansheng Diao, Yueke Hu, Emmanuel Lecouturier, Cezar Lupu, Yihang Zhu

Speaker:Zhiyuan Ding (Shanghai Tech)


In this talk, we will discuss linear equivalences between cuspidal divisors on the moduli stack of Drinfeld shtukas. We exhibit explicit linear equivalences with the help of auxiliary moduli spaces of toy shtukas. Then we use compactification to determine the space of principal cuspidal divisors. Unlike the Manin-Drinfeld theorem for modular curves, in our case, principal cuspidal divisors form a nontrivial subspace of zero degree cuspidal divisors.

DATEJune 2, 2024
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