
Tropical geometry of generic root counts | BIMSA AG Seminar

Time:2024-06-06 Thu 15:00-16:00

Venue:A6-1 Zoom: 638 227 8222 BIMSA

Organizer:Artan Sheshmani, Nanjun Yang, Beihui Yuan

Speaker:Yue RenDurham


In this talk, we will discuss the problem of determining the generic root counts of parametrisedpolynomial systems over an algebraically closed field.We wil briefly touch upon the motivation from polynomial system solving, and describe how tropicalgeometry can help in this task. We will give a brief glimpse on the algebraic geometry behind thetropical intersection product, and discuss various strategies how the latter can be computed. Weconclude the talk by highlighting applications to chemical reaction networks, coupled oscillators,and graph rigidity.

DATEJune 5, 2024
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