
Mining for modular data from congruence representations | BlMSA-Tsinghua Quantum Symmetry Seminar

Time:2024-06-05 Wed 10:30-12:00

Venue:A3-3-301 Zoom: 242 742 6089 BIMSA

Organizer:Zhengwei Liu, Jinsong Wu, Linzhe Huang, Sebastien Palcoux, Yilong Wang

Speaker:Siu-Hung Ng吴少雄 Louisiana State University


Modular fusion categories (MFCs) arise naturally in many areas of mathematics and physicsAssociated with an MFC is a pair of complex matrices, called modular data, which are arguably themost important invariants of an MFC. The modular data of an MFC generate some uncanonicalcongruence representations of SL(2,Z). In this talk, we will discuss how modular data could bereconstructed or discovered from congruence representations of SL(2.Z). The talk is based on ajoint work with Eric Rowell, Zhenghan Wang and Xiao-Gang Wen.

DATEJune 4, 2024
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