Jialong Deng
Akito Futaki
Vamsi Pritham Pingali
Tues., 21:00-22:00
Sept. 10, 2024
ID: 271 534 5558
The gravitating vortex (GV) equations are a dimensional reduction of the Kahler-Yang-Mills-Higgs equations to a Riemann surface. The Abelian GV equations contain as a special case, the Einstein-Bogomol'yni equations modelling (the as of now, hypothetical) cosmic strings in the Bogomolo'yni phase in the early universe. The non-abelian GV equations are expected to play a similar role for Electroweak cosmic strings. Moreover, these equations might have interesting moduli spaces and arise out of a moment map interpretation. I shall describe our existence, uniqueness, and obstruction (including a Donaldson-Uhlenbeck-Yau-Kobayashi-Hitchin correspondence) results (joint with L. Alvarez-Consul, M. Garcia-Fernandez, O. Garcia-Prada, and C. Yao) for Abelian GV equations, and my recent existence result for the non-abelian case.
About the speaker

Vamsi Pritham Pingali
Indian Institute of Science
I am Vamsi Pritham Pingali, an associate professor in the department of mathematics at IISc, and a member of the Analysis and Probability Research Group.
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