
TT Deformations of Yang-Mills Theories

Time:Friday, 10:00am, Oct. 18, 2024

Venue:Zoom Meeting ID: 830 3830 3787 Passcode: 423200

Speaker:Christian Ferko (Northeastern U)

ADS seminar




Christian Ferko (Northeastern U)


Friday, 10:00am, Oct. 18, 2024


Zoom Meeting ID: 830 3830 3787

Passcode: 423200


TT Deformations of Yang-Mills Theories


In this talk, I will discuss classical deformations of non-Abelian gauge theories which are driven by functions of the energy-momentum tensor, and which are inspired by Zamolodchikov's TTbar operator in two dimensions. Although finding the full solutions to these flow equations is difficult, one can nonetheless make progress by restricting to special field configurations such as instantons and monopoles. I will also describe a modification of these stress tensor flows, called the "symmetrized single trace TT deformation", which -- when applied to a Yang-Mills seed theory -- produces Tseytlin's symmetrized trace prescription for non-Abelian Born-Infeld theory.

DATEOctober 17, 2024
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