
CUQI – Computational Uncertainty Quantification for Inverse Problems

Time:Wednesday, 15:00-16:00 Oct. 23, 2024

Venue:A04, the 8th Floor Shuangqing Complex Building

Organizer:Chenglong Bao

Speaker:Per Christian Hansen, Technical University of Denmark

Mathematics and AI for Imaging Seminars I


Chenglong Bao


Per Christian Hansen, Technical University of Denmark


Wednesday, 15:00-16:00

Oct. 23, 2024


A04, the 8th Floor

Shuangqing Complex Building



CUQI – Computational Uncertainty Quantification for Inverse Problems


Since 2019 we have worked on developing a practical framework for applying uncertainty quantification to inverse problems.

Our work contributes to the basis for UQ studies of a range of linear and nonlinear inverse problems with different priors and noise models. Specifically, building on the Bayesian framework we develop a modeling and computational platform, including an abstraction layer aimed at non-experts, which is implemented in the python software package CUQIpy.

In this talk I highlight some of our results and methods, with examples from X-ray computed tomography (CT). I describe how we handle uncertain projection angles, how we include structural priors tailored to the geometry of the scanned object, and how we use a goal-oriented approach to compute inclusion boundaries and their roughness. I also briefly describe our software package.

This is joint work with all the members of the CUQI project:

The work is supported by a grant from the Villum Foundation.

DATEOctober 22, 2024
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