
Semiorthogonal decompositions from quantum cohomology

Time:Wed., 17:30-18:30, Nov. 6, 2024

Venue:Zoom Meeting ID: 815 762 8413 Passcode: BIMSA

Organizer:Yu-Wei Fan

Speaker:Vanja Zuliani

BIMSA-YMSC Geometry and Dynamics Seminar


Yu-Wei Fan (YMSC)


Vanja Zuliani (Université Paris-Saclay)


Wed., 17:30-18:30, Nov. 6, 2024


Zoom Meeting ID: 815 762 8413

Passcode: BIMSA


Semiorthogonal decompositions from quantum cohomology


In this seminar I will review some conjectures by Halper-Leistner on the non-commutative MMP. One of the central aspects of this program is to show how quantum cohomology induces, via Bridgeland stability conditions, a sort of “canonical” semi-orthogonal decomposition. Halper-Leistner studied the NCMMP for curves. I will show how quantum cohomology of projective spaces P^n induces semiorthogonal decompositions.

Further information about the seminar can be found at:

DATENovember 6, 2024
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