Abstract:Let G be a reductive group over an algebraically closed field and W be its Weyl group. Using Coxeter elements, Steinberg constructed cross-sections of the adjoint quotient of G which also yield transversal slices of regular unipotent classes. In 2012, He and Lusztig constructed transversal slices using minimal length elements in elliptic conjugacy classes in W, which yield transversal...
AbstractIn this talk, I will introduce the quantum Hamiltonian reduction and its applications to geometric representation theory.、About the speakerPengcheng Li 李鹏程YMSC李鹏程,YMSC博士后。主要研究领域为表示论。具体研究的问题包括Broue交换亏群导出等价猜想,Deligne-Lusztig理论,Kac-Moody范畴化,李型有限群的表示等。个人主页:https://ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/info/1035/3082.htm