Speaker 孙鑫,2011年获得北京大学数学学士,2017年获得麻省理工学院数学博士,2020年起任宾夕法尼亚大学数学系助理教授,2023年9月起任北京国际数学研究中心长聘副教授,研究领域为概率论和数学物理,主要方向是随机几何、统计物理、和量子场论。荣获2023年度戴维逊(Rollo Davidson)奖。AbstractSmirnov's proof of Cardy's formula for percolation on the triangular lattice leads to a discrete approximation of confor...
AbstractMany modern tech companies, such as Google, Uber, and Didi, utilize online experiments (also known as A/B testing) to evaluate new policies against existing ones. Analyzing the causal relationship between platform policies and outcomes of interest is of great importance to improve key platform metrics. This study focuses on capturing dynamic treatment effects in complex temporal/spatial...