
Link homology and foams

Time:Fri., 10:00 -11:00 am, Dec.16,2022

Venue:Fri., 10:00 -11:00 am, Dec.16,2022

Speaker:Mikhail Khovanov (Columbia University)


Some of the better-known link homology theories are bigraded and categorify Reshetikhin-Turaev GL(N) link invariants. In the past few years foams have emerged as an explicit way to construct link homology theories. We will explain what foams are and how evaluation of foams leads to these explicit approaches to link homology.

Mikhail Khovanov

Columbia University

Mikhail Khovanov is a professor in the Mathematics Department at Columbia University who works on representation theory, knot theory, and algebraic topology. He is known for introducing Khovanov homology for links, which was one of the first examples of categorification.


DATEDecember 16, 2022
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