
Why hexagonal shape prevails? A personal perspective

Time:Fri., 10:00-11:00 am, Dec.16, 2022

Venue:Tencent Meeting ID:144-653-067 Passcode:221216


Speaker:Prof. Luo Senping (Jiangxi Normal University)


The hexagonal shape appears almost ubiquitous in nature. However, the mathematical theory to understand hexagonal shape is far from satisfactory. In this talk, I will present my personal understanding on this direction. I show introduce several related mathematical works, then briefly mention a joint work with Prof. Wei, contributing to the understanding of hexagonal shape.


罗森平,清华大学博士,加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学博士后,美国辛辛那提大学访问助理教授,现供职于江西师范大学,任特聘教授。研究领域为分析与方程,解析数论与统计物理等,在《Math. Ann.》,《ARMA》,《IMRN》,《SIMA》等杂志上发表过文章,和魏军城教授一起部分解决了Mueller-Ho猜想。

DATEDecember 16, 2022
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