
The MacNeille completion of the type B Bruhat poset

Time:2023年5月22日 (周一) 19:20-20:55

Venue:线下地址:西阶梯教室 线上直播:B站(THU求真书院)

Speaker:Paul Zinn-Justin


Paul Zinn-Justin is a professor at the Department of Mathematics, Melbourne University. He graduated from Ecole Normale in Paris, worked at CNRS, and then acceped the job at Melbourne. He is an expert in mathematical physics, in combinatorics and algebraic geometry.


Following Lascoux and Schutzenberger, we'll discuss the MacNeille completion of Weyl groups of classical types endowed with (strong) Bruhat order. We'll discuss the connection with Alternating Sign Matrices and provide a new explicit description of it in type B.

DATEMay 22, 2023
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