
Neural Inverse Operators for Solving PDE Inverse Problems

Time:Wednesday, 16:30-17:30 Dec. 27, 2023

Venue:Room B725 Shuangqing Complex Building

Speaker:Yunan Yang Cornell University


Yunan Yang is an applied mathematician working in inverse problems and optimal transport. Currently, she is a tenure-track Goenka Family Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Cornell University. Yunan Yang earned a Ph.D. degree in mathematics from the University of Texas at Austin in 2018, supervised by Prof. Bjorn Engquist. From September 2018 to August 2021, Yunan was a Courant Instructor at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University.


A large class of inverse problems for PDEs are only well-defined as mappings from operators to functions. Existing operator learning frameworks map functions to functions and need to be modified to learn inverse maps from data. We propose a novel architecture termed Neural Inverse Operators (NIOs) to solve these PDE inverse problems. Motivated by the underlying mathematical structure, NIO is based on a suitable composition of DeepONets and FNOs to approximate mappings from operators to functions. A variety of experiments are presented to demonstrate that NIOs significantly outperform baselines and solve PDE inverse problems robustly, accurately and are several orders of magnitude faster than existing direct and PDE-constrained optimization methods.

DATEDecember 27, 2023
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