
Applications of quantum cohomology to birational geometry I & II

Time:Thur., 16:30-17:30 pm Mar. 21/ Mar. 28, 2024

Venue:West Lecture Hall 西阶梯教室 Tsinghua University;Zoom Meeting ID: 455 260 1552 Passcode: YMSC

Speaker:马克西姆 · 孔采维奇 Maxim Kontsevich 法国高等科学研究所(IHES)常任教授 菲尔兹奖得主(1998)

主讲人 / Speaker

马克西姆 · 孔采维奇

Maxim Kontsevich



马克西姆·孔采维奇, 法国俄裔数学物理学家,1998年菲尔兹奖得主,法国科学院院士。主要研究领域包括扭结理论,量子化和镜像对称。他的主要贡献有:对任意泊松流形有效的形变量子化,拓扑场论中的稳定映像的模空间,利用一种类似费曼路径积分的复杂积分构造的扭结不变量。



Theory of quantum multiplication and Gromov-Witten invariants of a smooth projective algebraic variety X deals with enumerative questions concerning curves in X.

A long time ago physicists E.Witten, R.Dijkgraaf, E.Verlinde and H.Verlinde discovered a remarkable system of non-linear differential equations on the generating series for Gromov-Witten invariants. In particular, one can calculate the number of rational curves of degree N in projective plane passing through generic 3N-1 points via a certain solution of Painleve VI equation.

The topic of my lectures is an application of theory of quantum multiplication to birational geometry (joint work with L.Katzarkov, T.Pantev and T.Yu), based on the recent blowup formula by H.Iritani. In particular, we solved a long-standing conjecture on the non-rationality of a generic cubic hypersurface in 5-dimensional projective space.

In my first lecture I'll give a brief introduction to the theory of quantum cohomology and introduce a notion of atoms which play the central role in rationality questions. In the second lecture I'll propose a series of conjectures relating atoms and derived category of coherent sheaves.

DATEMarch 21, 2024
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